Hey, January… See ya!


Good day Cupcakes,

How are you all doing today? I hope you’re all well and managed to beat the January Blues.

January is a funny old month. Some people love it and some people hate it. For some, it’s the new start to the year and is, therefore, an opportunity for a fresh start with fresh goals and fresh motivation to put their lives in order. For others, it’s long, dark nights, cold days, nothing to look forward to and no money until the end of the month because they were paid early in December and spent it all on presents and parties. February can’t arrive soon enough, in their opinion.

I personally hold no gripe with January. The last three have been quite exciting for me, in their own way. January 2017 was when I sat down and began to take my writing seriously. I was full of excitement as I gave ‘A Rock ‘n’ Roll Lovestyle’  the kiss of life and the month passed in a blur as the words poured forth from my fingers. You all know the outcome of that. January 2018 saw me sitting down to edit my second book, ‘An Artisan Lovestyle’. Wow, who would have thought that in the space of one year I would have written two books. January 2019 found me editing ‘Lovestyle # 3’. My editor has given feedback on the first pages he’s received and all seems to be good so far although he has expressed disappointment that The Middle Men won’t be making an appearance this time around.


In other news from Moggy Towers, Charlie Kitten continues to blossom and grow. We went to visit the vet yesterday for his first injection and he weighed in at a rather impressive 2.54kg. On the day he rolled off the pallet and into our lives, he weighed 440g. I think we can safely say we now know who is eating all the cat pies! The younger members of the Moggy Posse, Donald and Tony, enjoy playing with him and they are rapidly turning into the Three Musketeers – always getting into some kind of mischief and usually with at least two tails making a run for it when they are found out.

The three older members of Posse, however, just wish to be left alone to sleep so when he approaches them, they merely open one eye and give him ‘cat evils’ – this is enough to make him turn tail and put whatever trouble he was planning to inflict back in his pocket for another day.

In the looks department, Charlie does continue to be a little cutie although he has now reached the gangly-teenager stage where all his body parts don’t seem to fit each other. As you can see from his photograph here, those ears look like they’re on loan from a certain, well-known, Vulcan!


Lastly, in good old British fashion, I suppose we should mention the weather – how’s it looking where you are? Moggy Towers has, so far, seen its usual share of the yearly snowfall – which is about two snowflakes! Three, if we open the freezer quickly enough to add some extra chill factor! I know that, for many, snow causes problems and disruption but, the truth is, I love it! I set my debut novel in Salzburg… in December… I think that might just be a bit of a giveaway, wouldn’t you say?  For all that, however, Moggy Towers appears to have found itself in the one part of the country which has black tarmac when the rest of the UK is pure, brilliant, white! Last year, when we were all in the grip of the Beast from the East, Moggy Towers managed to wriggle free after one day. It, and the streets in the immediate vicinity, seemed to be the rebel faction for, when everyone else was calling in on their snow days, yours truly was still rolling into the office and holding the fort.

I hope we do see some snow before Spring comes along for I eventually got round to buying some new wellies last year and I’d really like to wear them for something other than pressure washing the patio. I’ll be honest with you here – I’m really not a pink or flowery person, but I confess I sort of fell in love with these little beauties when I found them. Which was probably a good thing as they were the last pair left in the shop! This is the first time I’ve ever had ‘funky’ wellies. The last time I owned a pair, I was still a teenager living at home and they were good old-fashioned, no messing, black rubber things. The less said about those the better! So, as I am treating you to a picture of my wellies, please feel free to share yours in the comments. No prizes for the best rubber offerings but let’s see how awesome mundane footwear can be.


Before I sign off, I should let you know  that I may be doing some work on my website – if I can find the courage to mess wiv it, that is! It’s in need of some updating but, with my limited technological skills, there is no guarantee on how well that will work out! So, if things are looking out of kilter at some time in the not too distant future, you’ll know the reason why. Fingers crossed, I’ll conquer the website before it kills me!


Until the next time, y’all be good, be happy, and have fun.


Big hugs,




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