Radio Silence Can Now Be Broken!



I have been sitting here for the last twenty minutes trying to figure out the best way to begin this post after being absent for over four months. A simple ‘Hi there, How y’all doing? doesn’t seem quite right. Nor does ‘Hey Folks, I’m back in da room!’ So, I think I’ll go with ‘Hello, remember me? I’m the writer person who has been known to make the occasional pit-stop around here and provide updates of what I am up to.’

Well, what I’ve been up to, since December when I last stopped by, is editing! Yup folks… Four long months of editing, correcting and even, occasionally, crying! Because that’s what editing can do to you!

Until I began this writing malarky, I never fully appreciated what it takes to create the books we all love to sit and read.

It all begins with that crucial first draft. 

This is where you pour out the ideas in (hopefully) some semblance of order. I hated the first draft of my first two books. I wish I’d realised this twelve years ago when I began writing ‘A Rock ‘n’ Roll Lovestyle’ – I would not have sat on it for so long! I have, however, battled the very same emotion with book 2, so I’m all prepared for book 3. I’ll be sure to have a glass of wine nearby to see me through.


Once you type ‘The End’ on that first draft, however, the easy bit is over (*Kiltie makes mental note to remind herself that the first draft is the EASY bit!) for the editing is when the work REALLY begins. Some authors don’t like the editing part of writing but I have to confess that I rather enjoy it. I get quite a thrill from seeing how a sentence can change when you remove or replace one word. Or how a whole chapter can read very differently depending on which character is telling the story.  My first draft ‘sandbox’ is more of a jigsaw puzzle and I simply move around the pieces until they create a beautiful picture.

That said, however, it does not stop me looking like this rather a lot!


When I was only a reader, I never fully understood how much blood, sweat and tears a writer has to bear to ensure their work is perfect for reading consumption. I have, however, just finished reading my second novel for the seventh time and managed to make over one hundred adjustments. Only five of those were small typing errors or mis-spelt words, the rest were all little tweaks – moving words around and polishing the text. I can guarantee that, if I were to read it an eighth time, I’d find more ‘polishing’ to do… So I’m not gonna! I’m leaving it be. There’s comes a point when you have to stop spitting in your hanky and wiping the face of your baby. You have to let it grow up and make its own way into the world.

And I will be doing exactly that on the 28th June 2018!


Before then, however, there will be the grand unveiling of the cover on Tuesday 22nd May – keep your eyes peeled for it popping up across the internet.

There will also be a grand unveiling here so make a note to pop along for a look-see and let me know what you think.


Until then, I bid you a brief farewell.






One comment

  1. Hello you have been missed 😊 I am currently on moving jigsaw pieces of scenes together to form a first draft and seems to be taking forever as some refuse to fit.
    Looking forward to big reveal and reading book 2 😊

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