The Musings of Moggy Towers – May 2018



Well, hello there folks,

We’re fast approaching the end of the month and it feels like a good time to pick up and run with ‘The Musings of Moggy Towers’ feature which was promised so long ago. This is where I have a little chin-wag over things which have caused my little mind to ponder or boggle over the course of the month.

The biggest event in May, I suppose, has to be the Royal Wedding! Well, I write romance stuff, so of course I was going to show an interest. Plus, I was suffering from a nasty bout of food poisoning so lying prone on the sofa was about all I was good for. I am not, however, going to harp on about the dress, the ceremony or all the traditions the bride kicked to kerb (although massive kudo’s to her for doing so!) – No, I’m going to focus on the attending guests, or one guest in particular – Victoria Beckham.

So, first things first – I like VB! I like her a lot! Whenever I’ve seen her being interviewed, she has always been funny, charming and a delight to watch. It was, therefore, uncomfortable to hear people giving her grief over the fact she wasn’t smiling as she entered the church and it struck me that people are continually having a pop at this lady. Why do so many find it difficult to say nice things about her?

It has been reported many times that she doesn’t like her smile. Now personally, I think she looks absolutely gorgeous when she smiles but, as someone who could have given Red Rum a run for his money when it comes to gummy, toothy smiles, I understand how she feels. I detest my smile and I’m not photographed anywhere NEAR as often as this lady so, if she prefers to face the world press with a neutral expression, why is everyone giving out about it? How can we all sit and advocate a persons right to their own freedom of expression and then tear a strip off VB for doing exactly that?

Furthermore, and this is the thought that has taken up residence in my head for the last ten days – We don’t know what VB had to deal with that morning before she left the house to attend this shin-dig. We are not privy to the argument she may have had with little Harper, who was throwing a tantrum because she wanted to go with Mummy and Daddy to see the new princess? We don’t know if her daughter went on to chuck a massive strop and stormed out of the room whilst screaming ‘I hate you Mummy’ at the top of her lungs…? After all, most of us have had the misfortune to have thrown that line at a parent at least once in our lives. Would any mother feel like smiling with those words ringing in her ears?

Or, perhaps, David took so long to gel his hair and get every last strand ‘just so’ that VB only had a few minutes in front of the mirror to sort out her own coiffure and she felt out of sorts as a result of this. Maybe David was so busy preening over his own good looks, he forgot to tell his wife how beautiful she looked.

A third option is the possibility that she had a thumping headache and it was one of those where the pain killers just weren’t touching it and all she REALLY wanted to do, was curl up in a darkened room.

Now, I honestly don’t think that any of the above are likely but the point I’m trying to make is that they MIGHT have been but no-one is prepared to give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore. This is a woman who has done something with her life – she’s had two careers, she is raising four children who – to date – appear to be children we would all be proud to have and she has a successful marriage despite it constantly being in the spotlight and dragged under the microscope to be examined for cracks. Her life might look all glamorous and shining on the outside but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have days when the kids wind her up, the husband is a pain in the ass and the dog has just barfed all over the freshly made bed!

This is a lady who should be pointed to as an inspiration. She has worked hard at all of the above – none of it has come easy even though she may have made it look that way and yet… instead of being acknowledged for this, all people want to do is take cheap shots at her because she doesn’t like to smile in public. I wonder if anyone has ever considered that it’s the knowing she can never do anything right in the eyes of the public that actually prevents her from smiling when the cameras are about.

That’s just my take on the matter! I think there are far worse people in the world who are more deserving of vitriol than VB and maybe cutting the woman some slack once in a while, might go some way towards seeing her beautiful smile more often.




In other news, in case anyone missed it, the book cover for ‘An Artisan Lovestyle’ was released to the world at large on Tuesday 22nd May. It has been well received and the feedback is that people like it. Something which I am rather happy about! Here is it again, just in case you were lucky enough to have missed all the posts being bandied across social media.




And lastly, to finish off, Donald – our ginger furry – had his annual check up with the vet and, with the exception of the sore throat from all the driving instructions he was giving on both the journey there and back, he got a clean bill of health. Sweet!

Till the next time, y’all stay cool folks.







  1. I really appreciate how you look a look at VB as if she’s human. I think we all too often are able to identify celebrities as thinks more than human and that’s just sad. We need to work on ways of being more empathic.

    PS I love your cat.

    • Kiltie Jackson

      I completely agree Kaite. Celebs add a bit of colour to our lives but they are still people at the end of the day and should be treated with the same respect we’d expect them to give us.

      Donald thanks you for the complement. He tried to be modest about it but he knows he’s a big bit gorgeous so he’s failing dismally! 😀 xx

  2. Lexi

    All fair, but I still think she dressed for a funeral and that was a 100% conscious decision.
    Did you see the “take a moment to admire Beckham’s watch” posts?
    Ps – great cover reveal. Saw you everywhere!

  3. People seem to think that because someone is a celebrity they can say horrible things about them and it doesn’t matter, sad but true, realistically it’s just bullying from a distance. Pretty sure they wouldn’t like it if the shoe was on the other foot… glad I’m not famous! Lol xx

  4. Great article, and it’s lovely to see someone looking at things from a different point of view, defending instead of attacking. We all have our own problems, why should famous people be any different?
    Glad your cat is well, too. xx

    • Kiltie Jackson

      My point exactly. Famous people are still people and have bad days like the rest of us non-celebs. Donald thanks you for your kind wishes. 😀 😀 xx

  5. JenLGilmour

    I enjoyed reading this and nice to focus on guests rather then the couple, in a alternative way. I had no idea about the release of your book, when were you going to tell me? 😉 😛 Huge support coming your way from me. x

    • Kiltie Jackson

      Thank you Jennifer. Didn’t you know I had a second book waiting in the wings? I really DON’T know how you missed that one… lol 😀 xx

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