Things Are Beginning to Happen.


It’s been a little while since my last post and that is all due to so much happening quite in a short space of time. My book is close to its publication date and this has meant lots of time being invested in trying to market it and get an audience interested in reading it. This is where self-publishing is harder because your don’t have the might and resources of a large publishing house behind you. The debut novel of the self-published author is the tiniest minnow in the very vast ocean of the literary world. This is when you have to rely upon the goodwill of the wonderful book bloggers who read your work, hopefully like it and then promote you on their blog site.

There are also very lovely bloggers who invite you to be a guest on their site and I was fortunate enough to have my first ever Blog Interview with the fabulous Isabella May this week. She turned something quite nerve-wracking into fun and laughter and I am immensely grateful to her for giving me her time and air space. The interview can be found here  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed participating in it.

This wonderful experience gave me the courage to go ahead and organise a proper Blog Tour along with participating in some Author’s Live events on Facebook. All details will be posted on the website plus Facebook and Twitter so please check out the dates and join in whenever possible.

All of this is very exciting and I am looking forward to partaking in these varied events.

In between all of this I am also trying to work on book number two – Of All The Unlikely Places. It’s going well but there are currently not enough hours in the day. Not that I’m complaining. When I look at how my life has changed from where it was a year ago, I can’t even begin to express how great it feels to be where I am today.

A huge thank you to everyone who reads my blogs, follows my Facebook page and puts up with my “What the heck am I doing?” on Twitter. I am always grateful for the support that you give. xx


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